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  • Writer's pictureAndy Konermann

Welcoming 2024: Wishing for a Prosperous Year Ahead with Ohio's Favorite Public Adjusting Firm

As the final hours of 2023 wind down, we at Ohio Public Adjusting, Ohio's trusted public adjusting firm, extend our warmest New Year wishes to you and your loved ones. The start of a new year is a time of reflection and anticipation – a moment to look back at the journey we've shared and to set our sights on the promise of tomorrow.

A Look Back at 2022: Triumphs and Transformations

The past year has been one of significant achievements for our team. We've navigated the complex landscape of insurance claims, ensuring that Ohio residents and businesses received the fair settlements they deserved. Our dedication to providing expert guidance and support in times of need has not only brought peace of mind to our clients but has also strengthened our resolve to excel in our field.

Key industry trends in 2022, such as the evolving nature of property insurance and the increasing importance of quick, efficient claim resolution, have shaped our approach. We've embraced these challenges, adapting our strategies to better serve you.

Embracing 2023: New Goals, Continued Excellence

As we step into 2023, the landscape of public adjusting and property insurance continues to evolve. We're ready to meet these changes head-on, with plans to integrate more advanced technologies and expand our expertise to cover a wider range of claim types. Our commitment to you, our valued clients, remains steadfast – to provide unparalleled service and ensure your rights and interests are always front and center.

Seasonal Insights for Ohio Property Owners

Ohio's diverse seasons bring unique challenges for property owners. As we enter the heart of winter, it's crucial to be prepared for potential weather-related damages. We're here to offer expert advice on safeguarding your property and navigating the complexities of insurance policies should the need arise.

Your Trusted Partner in Public Adjusting

At Ohio Public Adjusting, we pride ourselves on our deep-rooted expertise and unwavering dedication to our clients. Our team of experienced adjusters is always ready to guide you through the claim process, ensuring you receive the maximum indemnification under your policy.

A New Year, A Renewed Commitment

As we welcome 2023, our resolution is clear – to continue being your reliable partner in public adjusting, delivering excellence, and championing your rights. Should you face any property damage or insurance claim issues this year, remember that OPA is just a call away.

We wish you a prosperous, safe, and peaceful New Year. Here's to a 2023 filled with opportunities, growth, and success!

Contact Us

For any queries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 330-595-2025. We look forward to helping!

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As Thanksgiving approaches, it's time for families to gather, give thanks, and enjoy a delicious turkey feast. However, amidst the festivities, it's crucial to remember that Thanksgiving is also the peak day for home cooking fires. As public adjusters, we see the aftermath of these incidents and want to ensure your holiday remains joyous and safe. Here are some essential tips to avoid turkey fires:

1. Never Leave Your Cooking Unattended

The leading cause of kitchen fires is unattended cooking. Always stay in the kitchen while frying, grilling, or broiling your turkey. If you must leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.

2. Use Turkey Fryers with Caution

Deep-frying a turkey can be dangerous. Use fryers outdoors, away from buildings and any flammable materials. Never use them on wooden decks or in garages. Ensure the turkey is thawed and dry before frying to prevent oil spill-over.

3. Keep Your Cooking Area Clean

Grease buildup can ignite a fire. Keep the stove, oven, and surrounding areas clean from grease and flammable items like oven mitts, wooden utensils, or towels.

4. Install and Test Smoke Alarms

Ensure you have working smoke alarms in and near your kitchen. Test them before the holiday to ensure they are functioning correctly.

5. Have a Fire Extinguisher Handy

Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and familiarize yourself with how to use it. In the event of a small fire, you can act quickly to prevent it from spreading.

6. Be Prepared for Emergencies

In case of a fire, have an emergency plan in place. Ensure everyone knows how to exit the house safely and has a designated meeting spot outside.

7. Understand Your Insurance Policy

As public adjusters, we recommend reviewing your homeowner's insurance policy before the holidays. Understand what is covered in case of a fire and ensure your policy is up-to-date.

8. Seek Professional Help for Claims

In the unfortunate event of a fire, contact a public adjuster immediately. We advocate for you, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your insurance claim and guiding you through the recovery process.

Stay safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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  • Writer's pictureAndy Konermann

Navigating Your Insurance Claim with a Public Adjuster: Your Key to Fair Compensation

When disaster strikes, the path to recovery is often paved with insurance claims. It's a daunting journey that can overwhelm even the most resilient individuals. This is where the expertise of a Public Adjuster becomes invaluable. As a policyholder, you have specific rights and entitlements under your insurance policy, and a Public Adjuster is your advocate, ensuring those rights are honored and your claims are fairly settled. But what exactly does a Public Adjuster do, and why are they a critical ally in the claims process?

Who is a Public Adjuster?

A Public Adjuster is a licensed professional who specializes in managing and negotiating insurance claims on behalf of the policyholder. Unlike adjusters who work for the insurance company, Public Adjusters are hired by you, the policyholder, and their sole objective is to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you’re entitled to under your policy. They are proficient in insurance policy language, damage assessment, and the claims process, making them your strategic partner in navigating the complexities of your claim.

The Public Adjuster Difference

When you’re dealing with property damage, whether it’s from a fire, storm, water, or other catastrophic events, the claims process can be intricate and fraught with pitfalls. Here’s how a Public Adjuster can make a difference:

Expert Evaluation

Public Adjusters possess a keen eye for detail, necessary for accurately evaluating the extent of the damage. They conduct a thorough analysis to ensure that no damage goes unnoticed, and all losses are documented and accounted for in the claim.

Policy Interpretation

Insurance policies can be dense and complex, filled with provisions, clauses, and terms that can be difficult to interpret. Public Adjusters have the knowledge to read and understand the nuances of your policy, ensuring that you fully comprehend your coverage and its limitations.

Claim Preparation

Compiling a comprehensive claim requires meticulous attention to detail. Public Adjusters gather the necessary documentation, prepare detailed repair estimates, and compile all the information required to submit a robust claim that accurately reflects your losses.

Settlement Negotiation

Armed with extensive knowledge of insurance laws and negotiation skills, Public Adjusters advocate on your behalf. They communicate directly with your insurance company to negotiate a fair and just settlement, often securing a better outcome than if you were to handle the claim yourself.

Stress Reduction

Dealing with insurance claims can be stressful and time-consuming. A Public Adjuster lifts the burden by managing the entire claims process, allowing you to focus on your family, business, and personal recovery.

When Should You Hire a Public Adjuster?

Consider hiring a Public Adjuster if:

- You do not fully understand the terms of your insurance policy.

- The damage is extensive, and you're unsure of the full scope of the loss.

- You're feeling overwhelmed by the insurance claims process.

- The settlement offered by the insurance company doesn’t seem fair.

Choosing the Right Public Adjuster

Selecting a Public Adjuster is a crucial decision. Look for professionals who are:

- Licensed in your state and adhere to a strict code of ethics.

- Experienced with claims similar to yours.

- Transparent about their fees and the services they provide.

- Highly recommended by previous clients.


A Public Adjuster plays a vital role in leveling the playing field with insurance companies. They bring expertise, experience, and an unwavering commitment to your interests, ensuring that your claim is handled professionally and effectively. If you're facing the daunting task of filing a significant insurance claim, partnering with a Public Adjuster can be the key to a fair and favorable settlement.

Remember, in the world of insurance claims, a Public Adjuster is your advocate, your expert, and your guide to navigating through the intricate claims process with confidence and peace of mind. If you're seeking assistance with your insurance claim, contact us today – Ohio Public Adjusting is here to help you on the road to recovery.

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